Hanging at Sloth Sanctuary

Sloth Sanctuary Ranked World’s Best


The Sloth Sanctuary skyrocketed to fame in Animal Planet’s "Meet the Sloths" series.  Channel viewers were introduced to these cute, furry creatures.  Located on the country’s Caribbean Coast, the center started caring for these unusual animals ever since locals started bringing injured, abandoned and orphaned sloths to the family home. It’s been over 20 years now…

Cuddly Sloths
"Cuddly Sloths"
photo © R Richardson/SlothSanctuary.com
Hanging at Sloth Sanctuary
"Hanging Around the Sloth Sanctuary"
photo © R Richardson/SlothSanctuary.com

Now a busy rehabilitation and visitor center, the Sloth Sanctuary offers educational tours.  Visitors may see these animals in the protective center, but also in their natural habitat.  Scheduled boat tours through the rain forest show what’s it’s truly like to be a sloth.  😉

Costa Rica is home to the two and three-fingered sloths.  Both species have 3 toes and are incredibly slow.  Due to this sluggish metabolism, they are increasingly vulnerable to the modern world.  Victims of roads and electrocution are common, but there are often happy endings with the rehabilitated animals returning to the wild, and those who cannot are given a home in the center.

Driving Directions:  Drive on Route 32 from San Jose to Limon and then take Route 36 to the Sanctuary which is just outside of Cahuita.  Allow about 4 hours for the journey.  Roads to this trip highlight are in good condition.  A sedan can easily get you there, but if you’re into exploring the area further — and for more comfort, an SUV is recommended.

Discover more awesome wildlife refuges around the globe @ https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/10-awesome-animal-sanctuaries-to-visit-around-the/

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